Concept Art

Star Control: Origins 

The Trandal Leader
I was responsible for concepting and Trandal leader as well as creating the final asset.  This was the final look dev concept.

Personal Work

Word of the Week 
Every person on the team wrote down a word on a small piece a paper.  We put the pieces in a bowl and each week a word was drawn.  Then we all had to make a concept painting based on the word.  It was fun project that we did for a couple of months.  Here are a couple of my favorites.


Just for fun!

Past Production Work

Ashes of the Singularity (metaverse blimps)
These are a couple of the blimp/metaverse concepts that I completed during pre-production on Ashes of the Singularity intro video.

Galactic Civilizations III
I did lots of concept art as the art lead for Galciv 3.  Here are few traditional and digital line drawings and paintings.